Neurodiversity Consultancy

Support - Understanding - Education - Guidance

It isn’t always easy being neurodivergent in a world designed for neurotypicals, or for neurotypicals (non-neurodivergent people) to know what the experience of neurodivergence is, and how to support someone.

Neurodivergent Meg aims to provide services that support neurodivergent people to live the life they would like to, and for non-neurodivergent people to develop an understanding of neurodiversity and mana enhancing ways to support people who are neurodivergent.

Services include:

1 on 1 coaching

Practical hands on support to help with achieving goals

Support with learning in a neurodivergent friendly way

Employment support for both neurodivergent employees and employers

Education sessions to learn about neurodiversity

To find out more, click on the services below.

Our Services

Support for neurodivergent people

Supporting a neurodivergent person

Neurodiversity in the workplace
