Things that make a workplace inclusive for neurodivergent people are often simple, and have benefits for other employees too.

We can help employers to create an inclusive workplace, and support neurodivergent employees to get their needs met at work.

Support available for employers and neurodivergent employees includes:

For employers

Understanding neurodiversity and your neurodivergent employees.

Support to troubleshoot issues that might be occurring.

Coaching and training in neurodiversity, and putting neurodivergent friendly strategies into practice.

Coaching and support for managing neurodivergent employees.

Workplace reviews and support for creating neurodivergent friendly workplaces, including recruitment processes, and creating a workplace where people feel safe to disclose.

Support to create individualised workplace adjustment checklists.

Environmental Analysis to identify environmental workplace adjustments.

Employment education: from introductory sessions on neurodiversity and the workplace, through to tailored in depth training and workshops on a range of topics (see our Education page for further details).

For neurodivergent employees

Employment support to help with getting your needs met at work, or addressing workplace issues that might be occurring.

Assistance with writing CVs and cover letters, and interview preparation.

Explaining neurodivergence to managers and workmates who might not have a good understanding of what neurodivergence is and what it isn’t.

Exploring workplace adjustments and which ones would work best for you in your workplace.